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Patch du 22/09/09, respé le 23 !

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Patch du 22/09/09, respé le 23 ! Empty Patch du 22/09/09, respé le 23 !

Message  Demonica Mar 22 Sep - 13:38

Voici le patch note en anglais (dsl mon anglais laisse trop à désirer pour me lancer dans un fastidieu travail de traduction ^^)

La respé quand à elle interviendra le 23/09 Patch du 22/09/09, respé le 23 ! Icon_wink


* Fixed a handful of bugs preventing travel power sounds from playing back or being distorted in some way.
* Teleport: Teleport can no longer be used while held.
* Costs for powers with a range of 50 reduced slightly.
* Costs for non - melee point blank range powers (for example, Force Eruption) reduced slightly (any other power specific cost changes will likely overshadow these changes).
* Intellect now interacts with Power Energy Cost in a slightly different way. As a result, effects that increase the cost of your powers, such as running multiple toggles with Power Armor, will be a bit more pronounced (and not offset as much by the effect of intellect).


* Taser Arrow - Fixed stacking holds issue. It now has a chance to apply a strong hold; the chance scales as the power is charged. This hold does not stack, and applies diminishing returns as normal.


* Ebon Void: Now shows descriptions for ranks 2 and 3.
* Ebon Void: Voracious Darkness: The damage reduction formula has been changed, such that the maximum damage reduction from this advantage has been lowered.


* Never Strikes Twice now deals +30% damage (down from +100%) to held targets.


* Clinging Flames / Leaping Flames (applied effect) Damage increased by 20%.
* Thermal Reverberation Energy return is now disconnected from energy max. This power now returns a flat amount of energy (that is increased based on the player's Presence, as before), instead of a percentage of the player's max. The effect of this is that players who do not have high Endurance will see significantly better energy return. This effect still can (still) only occur once every three seconds.
* Pyre: Damage for the lingering fire patch reduced significantly.
* Fire Strike: This power's description previously included functionality that was actually part of an advantage. This has been corrected. The following functionality has been added to this power: "Activating this power applies an instance of the Fiery Escalation buff to you, increasing the damage of your Fire Strike attacks by a small amount while it lasts. This buff has a very short duration, but stacks up to four times, and each application refreshes the stack."
* Fire Breath: This power now operates on slightly different cost / performance model. This power's damage no longer escalates over time, but is significantly higher when first activated. The energy cost for this power is significantly higher for initial activation than it is while maintained. This power's chance to inflict the Clinging Flames condition is increased.
* Flashfires - Damage significantly increased.


* Particle Mine - (slightly) Reduced damage, increased cost.
* Orbital Cannon - Increased damage (particularly for ranks 2 and 3). Cost slightly changed.
* Minimines - Drastically nerfed. This should not shock anyone.


* The damage dealt when any created icy object is shattered (detonated) has been reduced.
* Ice Burst - Initial damage reduced, knockback reduced.
* Chill Effect - This effect has been rebuilt. It now is more effective versus non super speed travel powers, and has a stronger effect on the first application. However, the total degree to which this effect will slow a player and the duration have been reduced. Additionally, the Ice Cage effect now has a flat percentage to apply, instead of automatically applying when the player's speed drops below a threshold. Entities that are immune to knockback (including Super Villain and tougher ranked enemies) are now immune to the effects of this power. Our goal is to make this power slightly better for PvE, and not quite as dominating in PvP.


* Two Gun Mojo: Close the Gap: Updated description to state that the bonus caps at 30% and not 50%.


* Bane - No longer interrupted by damage, cost slightly higher.
* Summoning Circles - These powers are now called Rituals of Summoning. They look and function exactly as they used to, including creating a circle that the player must stay within for the creature to remain. However, they no longer empty your energy pool when activated, and may now be used in conjunction with Circles (of Power). Rituals of Summoning are still mutually exclusive with each other.
* Circles of Power - No longer empty your energy pool when used. No longer mutually exclusive with Rituals of Summoning (formerly Circles of summoning).
* Arcane (Unstable) Sigils, Ebon (Enervative) Sigils, Primal (Storm) Sigils - These powers are all slightly more expensive than before, but significantly more powerful. They also have slightly fewer hit points. The actual Sigils of the Sigils of Sanctuary and Enervative Sigils now create a slight amount of threat, and enemies will target them if other targets don't have their attention.


* Condemn - Increased initial cost (cost to tap). Cost to charge unchanged. Hold effect does not stack.
* Resurgence: Updated description to state that the heal scales with your Constitution.
* Resurgence: Can now be used while held by default (without advantage).
* Resurgence: Evanescent Emergence: Now helps you break free if you use while held. Still Enrages you if used while at less than 50% health.


* Psionic Storm - Damage and Cost slightly increased, and the hold effect changed to a wrangle - type (starting off weak, but increasing strength the loner the victim is exposed to the effect).
* Malevolent Manifestation - This advantage now transforms the power into a toggle that when activated leaves behind a persistent storm. The damage dealt by the persistent storm is the same as the unadvantaged version, and the cost to activate and maintain the effect is 20% greater. (Bear in mind that since this power functions as a toggle, you can use your energy builder while it's operating, which makes paying the upkeep effortless.)
* Collective Will - Entities now do significantly more damage.
* Telepathy: Ego Sprites: Slave Mentality: Each stack of the HOT provided by Slave Mentality will now do about 50% less healing, and is now capped at a maximum of 5 stacks, each target may only provide 1 stack.
* Summon Nightmare: No longer summonable on inanimate objects.


* The critter version of Shadow Embrace is now does significantly less damage. (The Hanging Judge's maintained attack is now merely very deadly, instead of instantly hollowing you out.)
* Critter: Chimera: Attacks are no longer interruptable. Now has a 100ft range attack.


Several devices have changed functionality. Their new descriptions are as follows:

* Qularr Mutagen: "Injecting yourself with a Qualarr mutagen will cause your body to temporarily mutate, integrating your own DNA with that of the Qualarr species. While in this state, your damage is increased, but all of your powers will cost more energy. You may maintain this form as a toggle for a total of 120 seconds."
* Radioactive Miasma (Irradiate and Crafted version): "A concentrated biogen plasma that when injected will cause your body to expel a radioactive miasma. While you and your allies will not be damaged by this miasma, your enemies will become weakened and take progressive particle damage. For your own saftey, this item may only be used for short bursts every two minutes."
* Trident of the Elemental Master Damage reduced very significantly, and the cooldown increased to 90 seconds (Base) from 30, and range is reduced to 50'. It now deals a bit more damage than a fully charged Tier 0 power. It still has no energy cost or drawback.
* Cowboy Robot Lasso - no longer affects Super villains or higher ranked enemies

Messages : 85
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2009
Localisation : Dans le labo du Doc

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